My Stuffed-Cow-toy (descriptive essay)


• Introduction
- How I get it.

• Body paragraphs

- 1st Body paragraph
Material (what does it make me feel, touch)

- 2nd Body paragraph
Smell (What does it make me feel, smell)

- 3rd Body paragraph
Memories (What does it mean to me, sight)

• Conclusion


I got this lovely and smooth stuffed-cow-toy from my boyfriend David. He gave me this little toy during a sunny afternoon. I remember him standing out of my door with a plushy well-smelled cow. That was an unforgettable scene; the toy made me feel several emotions, such as happiness, confidence, and even harmony, among others ,with its appearance, its smell, and its texture. All these characteristics create a wonderful image that became a special memory.

Since the beginning, the stuffed-cow toy caught my attention, first of all because of its colorful image, nice face and soft material. When I had it on my hands, it was an amazing experience; I felt the plushy material that took me back to the time when I was a child. The soft material which it is made is so comfortable and irresistible to touch. When I touch it provides me relief and a feeling of happiness.

It also has an incredible smell. Its smell is like one of a man lotion mixed with citric fruits odor. The aroma is so refreshing; it takes you to a wonderful place surrounded by different types of flowers, fruit trees and all that natural stuff. Its fragrance stays in my mind all the time; whenever I want to visualize my stuffed-cow-toy; I just need to remember the way it smells.

All these characteristics create a wonderful environment, I feel happy whenever I think about it. My stuffed-cow-toy is so special for me because it remains me about the time when I was with my boyfriend that sunny afternoon at home. Everything turned great when I saw him and the little toy for the first time. I can remember the smell of both, the confidence that it provides me, and the pleasant environment that surrounded us.

In order to conclude, it is important to mention that my stuffed-cow-toy is an exceptional object for me because of several reasons. One of those is that it provokes me immense feelings, such as emotion, happiness, among others. This object has special features that are easily remembered like the smell and textures. I will not ever forget this little toy because it has a strong influence on me and it helps me to remember the lovely person who is my boyfriend.

Internet (literacy essay)


Nowadays, the term internet is already known by many people. It is impressive the way internet became a universal tool used by millions of people. As many other tools it has its advantages and disadvantages. Some of them are going to be pointed out in this essay for example: availability, security, among others. It is also important to mention how internet can influence people or even interfere with a learning process whether in the native or in a foreign language.

To begin, it is important to mention some uses that are attributed to internet. The most common use is communication. People use it to communicate with different parts of the world in an easier, cheaper, and funnier way. It is also used to share points of view, important events, files, etc... The endless number of uses for internet is amazing but the most important thing is that in a certain way, it provides benefits to anyone who makes use of this device.

But nothing is perfect, so internet has advantages as well as disadvantages. First, the advantages: As it was mention before it is employed with the purpose of communicating with others around the world; which could be expensive. On the contrary, internet results cheaper than most people think or sometimes it also allows a free communication at low prices. Another advantage is that is available for almost anybody. At the present time it is everywhere, at schools, offices, malls, different places around town and neighborhoods.
However it is also important to point out the disadvantages that this service has. It is not always a reliable tool. There are several web pages that contain pornographic material, or some inadequate information that is at the reach of kids; this makes internet an insecure gadget.

Nevertheless, internet has improved the way I am learning a second language the same as many other people are. It is easier to find chat rooms with people who want to practice different languages or share information about them, on the web etcetera. Internet influences people to look for web pages, videos or audios in order to practice their target language or even to clarify some doubts in their own language.

As a conclusion, it is well known that internet is a universal gadget used by many people and for different purposes around the world. Internet is a means of communication that allow people to do a lot of things without paying huge amounts of money, but as many other resources it has its disadvantages. Nevertheless, it could be practical for the ones who are learning a second language or reinforcing their own language.

· Introduction

- Why am I writing this?

· Body paragraph

-Personal information

- What about me as a person (life)

- Personal goals

- In 5 years

- In 10 years

· Conclusion

Jackie’s personal essay

Many people tend to say that they know someone just because they spend time

with that person, interact or even share several things but, who really knows a person?, No one

does; only oneself. So, the purpose of this essay is to share a little bit of myself, in order to know

me better, because I am the only person who can explain something about my origin, my life,

what I like, what I do not, which are my goals, and so on.

First of all, it is necessary to introduce myself; my name is Jacqueline Dessire Rico, I was born in

Mexico City; all my family was born there. When I was three months old, we moved to

Aguascalientes; where I have been living up to now. I am the youngest of three sisters. I have a

varied personality; I could consider myself as an easygoing person, friendly, hardworking,

sympathetic and loyal. On the other hand, I also have bad temper sometimes; I am anxious,

stubborn, and spoiled. In addition, I like to hang out with my friends, laugh about everything,

have a great time, watch movies, listen to music, surf the net, meet new friends, swim, dance

and talk. I do not like hot weather, onions, stay home for long periods of time and when I do not

have anything to do.

Secondly, it is important to mention that there have been some experiences that changed my life

incredibly. Most of them took place when I was in high school in the afternoon; I was involved in

a different environment, new friends, renovated personality and situations. I also discovered the

topic of love, I met my first formal boyfriend and unfortunately I knew about disillusion.

However, not everything was sad; I met my best friends and had the best moments in my life

ever. I partied a lot; I laughed until I could not breathe, and lived as if it were the last day of my


Thirdly, it is curious that most people arrange or plan their lives in order to have a well-

organized idea of what they want to be or achieve; so, if I wanted to be one of the crowd I would

not plan my life with short and long term goals. Some of my goals talking about five years from

now are: to be working at a high school as the head of the English department and giving tutorial

to teenagers. In addition, I see myself traveling to the United States of America with the

purpose of doing my Master’s Degree; However, I do not pretend to stay in the same place for a

long time. My long term goal is to finish studying, obtain what I want professionally, the

information mentioned before, and get more into my personal life, have my own family and if it

is possible to have children.

As a conclusion, I can mention that all this information can vary depending on the situation, so;

nothing is clear or decided yet. Consequently, the only way that someone could say they have

known me is because they have talked to me and found out about myself, my experiences, my

goals and all those little things that make me what I am today.

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